SPAG is independed international group of photographers derived from Silesia. It is formed December 19, 2015  by four friends living in Czech Republic, Germany and Poland. In addition to the common roots, we unite our passion for photography and willingness to cooperate. We wish to explore and master new directions for artistic creation.

The magic of photography fascinated me already in the photo circle in primary school in Cieszyn. Then, with curiousity I discovered the processing secrets of negatives and positives, of course black and white, because in color has not yet been possible, and from then a passion of photography remained in me.

Born in 1965, graduated from the Faculty of Education at the University of Silesia in Cieszyn, passionate of black-and-white photography based on the traditional darkroom and analogue technology. Collector of antique cameras. Photographing since childhood, and also for a few years with digital cameras.

Photography is my way or means for presenting my feelings and moods. Usually I do not care for the exact representation of reality, but of view of our world. My photographs have names, and it does not matter whether it is an abstraction, potrait or landscape.

Currently my photographic interests oscillate between the photography of portraits, abstraction, reportage, landscape and portraits of flowers. However, I have constainly the impression that what is the most interesting in photography – is still in front of me …